Thursday, January 10, 2008

Buy it when you see it

I know this rule, learned it last year. Reminded myself of it this year and promptly failed to follow it!

So, we have already done most of the outlaying islands in our last trip so I get us to the bus terminal where we hop on a 6 bus to Stanley Market famous for silks. When I was to Hong Kong in the early 90s this is where I found scarves, ties, shawls and some very nice gifting items, well priced.

Since neither of us are shoppers a market is perfect, you walk quickly through the loop picking up just what you want knowing after the first 3 stalls that all items in the market are, a) the same, and b) the same price. Simple! We scurry through, I find a few tops I like and Victor a few t-shirts. We step out of the market for a beer to people watch and gaze at the sea. I know to go back in, get those lovely items to bring back and to shop a bit more for me. I know that our itinerary takes us to small people world and nothing beyond Hong Kong will fit me.

Instead we make plans for the night market where everything is cheaper.....Cheaper than 4 for $15 on silk? I should have noted that is not likely and if it is, so what do we save a dollar? Instead, I agree and off we go to the bus home. We are not good shoppers.

When we get home I map out a series of markets, the ladies market for me, bird and fish market for eye candy ending at the night market for entertainment and dinner. I know the way and am ready to shop on this our last night.

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